InfoFire - A Fireside Chat by Information Matters
InfoFire is a series of fireside chat with prominent scholars, educators, and visionaries in the fields of information and computer science and technology. Each episode features one such distinguished figure who have made significant impact on the fields of science and technology. Each of them bring decades of personal experiences and reflections as well as their vision for where things are heading or should head. Listen to our podcasts to better understand the flavors and nuances behind every dimension of our information society.
22 episodes
Fireside Chat with Dr. Gururaj Deshpande - Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Social Change
Guest Speaker: Dr. Gururaj DeshpandeFounder, President and Chairman, Sparta GroupFounder and Trustee, Deshpande FoundationFounder and Chairman, Sycamore Networks, 1998-2013Life Member of the MIT Corporation & the Board of Tr...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Jean-Claude Guédon - Whither Open Access?
Guest Speaker: Jean-Claude Guédon, Ph.DA leading champion of open access & Open ScienceProfessor of Comparative Literature (retired),University of Montréal, CanadaHost: Dr. Shalini R. UrsExecutive Di...
Fireside chat with Javed Mostafa - Trends in Health Informatics
Guest Speaker: Professor Javed MostafaDeanFaculty of InformationUniversity of TorontoToronto, CanadaHost: Dr. Shalini R. UrsExecutive Director Emerita, International School of Information Management, University of My...
Fireside Chat with Mr. Arjun Malhotra - Technology for Social Good: Making a Difference to Many
InfoFire with Arjun Malhotra - Technology for Social Good: Making a Difference to ManyGuest Speaker: Mr. Arjun MalhotraChairman, Magic Software Inc.Chairman & CEO Headstrong (1998 –...
Fireside Chat with Shri N. R. Narayana Murthy | AI and India
Guest Speaker:Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy Co-founder, Chairman Emeritus,InfosysCEO (1981 to 2002)Chairman (2002 to 2011).Host: Dr. Shalini R. UrsExecutive Director Emerita, International School of Information ...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Tony Hey | AI and Science
Guest Speaker:Professor Tony Hey, CBE, FREng, FACM, C.EngHonorary Senior Data ScientistRutherford Appleton Laboratory STFC/UKRI Harwell Campus, UKChief Data Scientist ( 2015-2022) STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council,...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Nicholas Belkin - Whither Information Science?
Guest Speaker: Dr. Nicholas BelkinDistinguished Professor EmeritusSchool of Communication and InformationRutgers University, New BrunswickNew Jersey, USAHost: Dr. Shalini R. UrsExecutive Director Emerita, Intern...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Vinton (“Vint”) G. Cerf - AI, the Future of Everything?
Guest Speaker: Dr. Vinton (“Vint”) G. CerfVice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, GoogleCo-designer of the TCP/IP Protocols & the architecture of the Internet and One of the fathers of the InternetFounding president of the...
Fireside Chat with Gautam I. Menon - Doing Interdisciplinary Science
Guest Speaker: Gautam I. MenonDean (Research) & Professor of Physics and Biology, Ashoka University, IndiaProfessor, Computational Biology, Theoretical Physics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
Fireside Chat with Mark Maybury - Commercializing AI
Guest Speaker: Dr. Mark MayburyVice President, Commercialization, Lockheed Martin Former Chief Technology Officer, Stanley Black & Decker Former Chief Scientist, United States Air Force Former Executive Director, MITRE Corpo...
Fireside Chat with Sid Mookerji - Venture Capital in the US and India: Synergistic Investing
Guest Speaker: Sid MookerjiFounder and Managing Partner, Silicon Road Ventures, USAFormer Global CEO, and Founder. Software ParadigmsInternational Group, LLCCo-founder, and CEO Silver Spirit Global LLCHost: Dr. Shalini R...
Fireside Chat with Partha P. Majumder - Deciphering the genetic heritage of the people of India
Guest Speaker: Partha P. Majumder, PhD, FNA, FASc, FNASc, FTWASNational Science Chair (Scientific Excellence), Government of India.Distinguished Professor and Founder, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, WB, Ind...
Fireside Chat with Ajit Balakrishnan - The Changing Information Industry Landscape: Through an Internet Entrepreneur's lens
Guest Speaker: Ajit BalakrishnanFounder, Chairman, and CEO rediff.comChairman, Board of Governors IIM Calcutta (2006-2016)Chairman Emeritus, the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)Host: Dr. Shalini R. Urs, Execu...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Helen Sharp - Building Socio-technical resilience in Software Development : Experiences from The Motivating Jenny Project
Guest Speaker: Dr. Helen SharpProfessor of Software Engineering and Associate DeanFaculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & MathematicsSchool of Computing & Communications.The Open University, UKHost: Dr. Sha...

Fireside Chat with Dr. Carolyn Watters - Towards responsibility AI: Leveraging multi-partner engagement
Guest Speaker: Dr. Carolyn Watters Former Chief Digital Research Officer, National Research Council Government of Canada & Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Computer Science, Former Provost & Vice President Academic, Damhousie University

Fireside Chat with Dr. Maëlle Salmon - Is R the right toolset for eScience/open Science?
Guest Speaker: Dr.Maëlle Salmon Aficionada a R, R(esearch) Software Engineer & BloggerResearch Software Engineer, rOpenSciAssociate editor, rOpenSci’s Software Peer Review.Host: Dr. Shalini R. UrsExecutive Director E...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Daniel E. Atkins - Evolution of computing infrastructure for research: Is AI the future of research?
Episode 4: Evolution of computing infrastructure for research: Is AI the future of research? with Dr. Daniel E. AtkinsGuest: Dr. Daniel E. Atkinsmeritus W.K. Kellogg Professor of Information &Professor of Electrical Engineering ...
Fireside Chat with Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates - Large Language Models: Their Power and their Limitations
A Fireside Chat Podcast by Information Matters Episode 4: Large Language Models: Their Power and their Limitations with Dr Ricardo Baeza-YatesGuest: Dr Ricardo Baeza-YatesDirector of Research & Research Professor
Fireside Chat with Dr. Gagandeep Kang FRS - Science Communication, Research Data, and Covid-19
A Fireside Chat Podcast by Information Matters Episode 4: Science Communication, Research Data, and Covid-19 with Gagandeep Kang FRSGuest: Gagandeep Kang FRSProfessor, Department of Gastrointestinal Sciences, Christian Medic...
Fireside chat with Dr. Gary Marchionini - The changing landscape of Information Interaction: the past, present, and the future of the chat
A Fireside Chat Podcast by Information Matters Episode 3: The changing landscape of Information Interaction: the past, present, and the future of the chatGuest: Dr. Gary MarchioniniDean and Cary C. Boshamer Professor, School...
Season 1
Episode 3
Fireside Chat with Dr. Gio Wiederhold - Different Flavors of AI
Fireside Chat Podcast by Information Matters Episode 2: Different Flavors of AI - A Fireside chat with Dr. Gio WiederholdGuest: Dr. Gio WiederholdProfessor (Emeritus) of Computer Science, Medicine, and Electrical Engine...
Season 1
Episode 2
Fireside Chat with Dr. Mike Eisenberg - Changing Contours of the iField
A Fireside Chat Podcast by Information Matters Episode 1: Changing Contours of the iField A Fireside chat with Mike EisenbergGuest: Dr. Mike EisenbergDean Emeritus, Information School, University of Washington ...
Season 1
Episode 1